Atem Shell
This is a stub
Initially posted here.
This needs to be fleshed out:
I'm trying to figure out some architectural direction for the Atem-{CPS/MOM/*}-Developer-Tool family of applications.
Since the CPS-Panel tool is a bit slow loading (I blame AngularJS for this, creating all these directives and scopes etc.) I think a nice move would be to try: ngReact which brings reactJS into Angular.
Angular can still be used whenever sufficient. I think using could be nice tool to make a grid layout happen. I'd like to see drag and drop restructuring and adding/removing of available widgets within the ui-layout in the future. Probably some user enabled wiring to listen on signals from different sources.
Probably adding something like into the mix.
The applications would be highly customizable to the task at hand.
Is anyone interested in helping planning this?
Also, in Vision it says:
Where we ultimately end up
The Developer-Tool type of applications will transform into a polymorphic platform. We'll have it fully customizable and most of it working via plugins. We may end up having—similar to Linux-distributions—specializations of it, particularly well fitted for a specific task. E.g. Metapolator, which is now
custom made, should be built on this platform.A core feature will always be having the setup for experimentation and exploration, without the need for polished UI and UX, to allow fast paced development.
Which this proposal should support.